Saturday, May 28, 2011


Trys skrydžiai virš gegutės lizdo.

1. Ejected: 1912

Friday, May 27, 2011


Ugnis ir sutemos, plaukus kedenančios kibirkštys - bene archaiškiausias regimojo pasaulio derinys, dar prieš šimtus tūkstančių metų lydėjęs pirmykščius Grįžulo ratus.

Tik nesuprasi: ar čia išties spalvota nuotrauka, ar tik uždėtoji sepia.

1. Heat-Seeking Miss: 1938

Washington, D.C., circa 1938. "Liana de Bayle, daughter of the Minister of Nicaragua and Senora de Bayle."


Pro ugniakurą prašvilpė antilopė.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


1. Colorado: c.1900


Vienišas vilkas.

Nord Detroit

Tik vėjas siaučia tarp bangų.

1. Detroit River: 1900

Circa 1900. "Car ferry 'Transport' entering slip, Detroit River." Railcar steamer on an icy, windy day.

2. Married Life: 1904

Circa 1904. "We are on our way home."



Sunday, May 22, 2011


Ir rašė tuomet vieną tūkstantį devynis šimtus keturiasdešimt trečiuosius (~1943).

Karo karštymetis: šalia ir aplink, o taip pat užnugaryje.

1. Greaseball: 1943

October 1943. Frederick, Maryland. "Greaseball, a mascot at the Stevens Airport."


Šunelis, kuris skrydžiuose atneša sėkmę.

2. In My Room: 1943

January 1943. Washington, D.C., war workers at home. "A radio is company for this girl in her boardinghouse room."


Radijas - vienintelė sielą maloninanti dūšia šiame užkaboryje; nelyg įdiržusį nuovargį suvilganti sula.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Migruojantys paukščiai

1936-ieji, Didžiosios depresijos laikai.

1. Migrant Mother: 1936

August 17, 1936. Blythe, California. "Drought refugees from Oklahoma camping by the roadside. They hope to work in the cotton fields. There are seven in family."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


1. Our Baby Doffer: 1910

"November 1910. Birmingham, Alabama. "Our baby doffer" they called him. Donnie Cole. Has been doffing for some months. When asked his age, he hesitated, then said, "I'm twelve." Another young boy said, "He can't work unless he's twelve."


Žodis neįprastas, bet šio vaiko darbas - keisti dūzgiančiose staklėse išaustų verpalų rites. Panašu, kad amžiaus pradžios bene įprasčiausia išnaudojimo forma.

Kaip tos staklės atrodė, matyti žemiau.

2. Addie Card: 1910

"February 1910. Addie Card, 12 years old, anemic little spinner in North Pownal Cotton Mill, Vermont. Girls in mill say she is ten years. She admitted to me she was twelve; that she started during school vacation and would "stay."


three blind mice
three blind mice
see how they run
see how they run...

Tikriausiai tapo vienu iš įkvėpimo šaltinių the little sister koncepcijai. Šie akvamarininiai vaizdai.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Šimtmečio gėlės

1. Gunston Girls: 1905

Washington, D.C., circa 1905. "Gunston Hall preparatory dept." Early approaches to prep-school bling.


Ornamentuotės, kurios tiktų net ir šiems laikams.

Monday, May 16, 2011


žadėtoji laisvė
plunksnų pavilioti
ambrozijos šaukliai


1. Birds of a Feather: 1916

1916. "N.R. Wood of Smithsonian Institution mounting birds."

2. With Stuffing - 1916

Ten pat.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Žana d'Ark

Šiuo metu atrodo savaime suprantama, o dar visai neseniai dėl teisės balsuoti ir būti laikomai hmm... žmogumi, tekdavo septynias uolektis mitinguose pralieti.

1. Forward Into Light: 1916

"Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, 1916." One of the banners used in a memorial service for Inez Milholland, the lawyer who became a martyr to the suffrage movement following her death from anemia while campaigning for the 19th Amendment.

2. Tambourine Woman: 1913

New York, August 1913. "Suffragettes on way to Boston." Our second look at the "suffrage caravan" campaign for women's voting rights.

3. The Experiment - 1923

Washington, D.C., circa 1923. "Woman scientist."

Saturday, May 14, 2011


1. The Comforts of Home: 1861

"District of Columbia. Tent life of the 31st (later, 82nd) Pennsylvania Infantry at Queen's Farm, vicinity of Fort Slocum."

2. Love Shack: 1941

South Side Chicago, April 1941.

3. The Manger: 1901

Newport, Rhode Island, 1901. "The Manger. Experimental portrait showing values of white against white, featuring a young woman holding a baby."

Amarilės goda

1. Flower Girls: 1927

March 21, 1927. Washington, D.C. "Ruth Jardine (at right) and class at Amaryllis show."

2. Departures: 1940

April 1940. East Dubuque, Illinois. "Waiting for the train to Minneapolis."

3. Betty Crockers: 1935

Bethesda, Maryland. "Cooking class, Chevy Chase High School, 1935."